Crisis Committees

Comprising a significantly larger portion of our conference than is to be traditionally expected, our crisis committees set MEDMUN apart from other conferences. By participating in a real-time crisis simulation involving chance, calculation, and the execution of current events-based actions, delegates apply their research and conflict strategies in an exciting and dynamic setting.


A small portion of our crisis simulation includes semi-crisis coordination, or the insertion of crisis elements into MEDMUN's non-crisis committees. By employing a translator to communicate between committees, MEDMUN realistically simulates real negotiations where the interests of multiple parties are amplified and the ongoing crisis can complicate the job of our delegates at any moment.


Ottoman Empire 2.0

It’s 2030 and Erdogan is turning 76. In a moment of existential crisis for his country he decides to set in motion one of the most well-thought-out and secret plans of his presidency: the rebirth of the Ottoman Empire. Historically, this empire ruled over much of the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe for centuries, bringing stability and prosperity to the region. A coalition of countries plans to reestablish it as it once was through diplomacy as well as military force. By acting as if this reformation is the only way to break away from the epic cycles of violence, destruction and economic collapse the region has been facing for so long, they force all countries in the region to take a side, creating potential for a global conflict.


The future of Middle Eastern relations is at stake due to Lebanese crises and instability. Lebanese people are more divided than ever, discontent is prominent within the population and violence is widely spread. 

Lebanon is on the verge of deciding, either sign a peace treaty with Israel or follow what Hezbollah and Iran have long been wanting, and become an Islamic country. Lebanon should now take this historic decision to ensure the stability of the country, after famine has spread and most of the Lebanese population has come under the poverty line. Economic interests, past alliances and future possible deals all play a role in the future of Lebanon and its population. Furthermore, power struggles and hunger for control, individual aims and personalities influence relations between the leaders and the community. Many members of the Lebanese community do not agree with either option, but the decision is inevitable and it will permanently determine future international relations, not only in the Middle East but even with World’s main powers.

In this committee, political, religious and military leaders, as well as ordinary people, activists and members of the international community will be present in the fight for Lebanon’s future. Will they protect their personal interests, will economics prevail or will international pressure play the decisive role? Is a peaceful future possible for the Lebanese community?

L'empire mongol

La brutalité et la violence de l’Empire Mongol sont connues de tous. Ils possédaient en plus une réputation pour la destruction des trésors intellectuels des Empires étrangers. Ainsi, lorsqu’ils arrivent aux portes de Bagdad, l'âge d'or islamique - marqué par la croissance rapide du savoir collectif, non seulement pour les musulmans, mais aussi pour tous les habitants de la région - est menacé. 

Les enjeux de cette crise sont considérables : si les habitants de Bagdad ne parviennent pas à trouver une solution significative au siège de Bagdad qui dure dix jours, des pans entiers de connaissances seront perdus par une destruction aveugle, des milliers de personnes périront et l'Islam se trouvera menacé de décentralisation et de sombrer dans l'obscurité.