At MEDMUN we strive to make each committee as relevant and up-to-date as possible, so committee topics are subject to change.
We take pride in offering committees in six languages: English, French, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, and Spanish. Rest assured that you will take part in an excellent simulation regardless of your preferred language!
Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugies
Niveau Débutant
Europe du Sud et Méditerranée : Comment instaurer une collaboration durable afin de faire face à la prise en charge des réfugiés au sein des pays transitaires.
Comment assurer la protection des réfugiés des minorités LGBTQIA+ victimes de conflits dans la région MENA ?
Organisation Maritime Internationale
Niveau Intermédiaire
Comment lutter contre la piraterie moderne dans la région MENA?
Comment réaffirmer le droit international maritime en Méditerranée orientale face aux litiges sur les hydrocarbures ?
Ligue des États Arabes
Niveau Avancé
Crise économique et sociale libanaise: une problématique mondiale. Quelles solutions ?
Conflit d’usage de l’eau en méditerranée et au Moyen-Orient : entre torrents de discordes et voies de coopération.
UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Beginner Level
Developing strategies to encourage the participation and representation of women in MENA politics
Exploring measures to improve the schooling of young girls and adolescents in Arab States
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
Intermediate Level
Transforming agricultural policies: a way of dealing with increasing food prices?
Adapting and envisaging common guidelines for the implementation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in food and agriculture.
Historical UNSC - 2009 United Nations Security Council
Advanced Level
An update on the urgent situation in Iraq
Changing dynamics in the Kurdish question
Ad Hoc Committee
Advanced Level
Being MEDMUN's most advanced committee, the Ad Hoc Committee aims to bring the most experienced delegates together for a demanding but rewarding 3 days at Menton. A crisis committee in its essence, Ad Hoc delegates are only informed of the topic and their assigned positions at the beginning of the conference, making everything much more surprising and challenging. Since prior preparation and topic-specific research is impossible for this committee, we encourage the most qualified and experienced delegates to apply. Get ready for a committee full of surprises! (And hint terror!)
Cour Pénale Internationale
Niveau Avancé
Le Procureur c. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi
International Court of Justice
Advanced Level
United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran)
UNESCO - Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura
L’importanza della cultura; strategie per preservare il patrimonio culturale classico (Romano e Greco).
La diffusione del fenomeno della fuga di cervelli in Italia e nell’Europa del Sud: strategie per incrementare le possibilità di educazione e impiego tra i giovani.
CEPAL - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe
Economía sumergida y guerra contra las drogas en Latinoamérica y España
Moneda única en Latinoamérica e iniciativas para la unión en la región
مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة
الصراع السوري: تأثير القوى الدولية على حريات المدنيين
المجاعة والأزمة الإنسانية في اليمن
DISEC - Silahsızlanma ve uluslararası güvenlik komitesi
Devlet dışı aktörler arasında silah kaçakçılığını kontrol etmek: barışı sağlamak üzere ODKA bölgesini güvenli hale getirmek.
Ege ve Akdeniz denizlerinde Türkiye’nin diplomatik ve askeri stratejileri.
Crisis - Persian-Greek War
It's 480 BC and, due to Persia's remaining desire to conquer all of Greece, the Second Persian invasion has just begun. The Persians have passed the Thermopylae, slaughtering the defending Spartan troops. The Pan-Hellenic coalition, guided by Athens and Sparta, must decide how to defend Attica and the Isthmus, while Xeroxes and its satraps* continue their advance towards Athens. The fate of history is about to be decided.
*provincial governor in the ancient Persian empire.
Crisis - Filling the vacuum in Iran
After the death of Mahsa Amini protests have been going on and off. Following cycles of mass protests and severe repression putting a temporary halt to uprising until a new incident reignites the fire of indignation and revolution. On June 3, 2024, 35 years after the death of Ruhollah Khomeini, supreme leader Ali Khamenei is announced dead although the causes of his death remain unclear. This event puts Iran into a power vacuum. Different factions try to take control of the country. The army, political officials, student protestors all struggle to control the country whilst American and Russian secret services try to influence this power struggle in their favour. Will liberal democracy prevail or will Iran maintain its struggle with authoritarianism?
La crise du courant du golf
Novembre 2043, soit dans 20 ans. En quelques jours, le Gulf Stream, un puissant courant océanique de l'Atlantique Nord, s'arrête en raison d’un changement de température dû à la fonte des glaces dans le couloir arctique entre le Groenland et le Canada. Ce courant, qui maintenait l'Europe relativement tempéré en hiver, n'alimente plus le continent, et le mercure baisse rapidement. Les médias des pays occidentaux proclament l’avènement d’une nouvelle ère glaciaire, et une grande partie de la population d'Europe du Nord, paniquée, décide d'immigrer dans certains pays de la région MENA. De ce chaos deux camps sont créés : Comité européen : D’un côté, les représentants des pays européens touchés par cette baisse des températures, devront faire des compromis entre leur désire de mettre toute leur population à l’abris, de trouver une solution à cette crise, de sauvegarder leur indépendance, autorité et une paix diplomatique relative. Ils pourront même envisager une solution « néo-colonialiste » à leurs problèmes : imposer leur présence par la force. Comité MENA : De l’autre côté de la Méditerranée, les pays « d’accueil » de ces « réfugiés climatique ». Eux aussi débattrons entre éthique et survie : qui devront-ils acceptés ? Tout le monde ou quelques-uns seulement ? Comment réagiront-ils à la possible menace d’une colonisation 2.0 ?
International Press Forum
The International Press Forum isn’t like other MUN committees… Each delegate here is assigned a global press organisation to represent, rather than a country. This gives us the chance for our imaginations to run rife, picking and choosing which issues represented within the MUN conference align with our own interests, and take a journalistic (and, perhaps, provocative) stance on issues which spark their creativity and passion. While in the past, other MUNs have often elected to go with more traditional media outlets – such as the BBC, Reuters or CNN – in our committee, we’re hoping to expand into a few more ‘nice’ areas… Members are encouraged to conduct thorough research into each of the organisations, understanding not only their traditional political stance, but also individual economic interests, the concentrations of personalities in the background of the media (…ahem… Murdoch), and how these might influence reporting in both overt and covert ways…